Two-angle hornbill


great hornbill (14)

great hornbill male birds into a 30 cm long length of the mouth and a large, wide projections helmet, helmet dimples projecting above the leading edges to form two horns, large angle as the nose rhinoceros, and if the helmet samurai and very powerful, hence the name great hornbill. On top of the mouth and projecting helmet are orange-red, orange mouth side, the mouth was ivory. Its cheeks, chin and throat and other parts are black, behind, milky white neck, back, shoulders, waist, chest and upper tail coverts are black, abdomen and under tail coverts white. Wings also black, but white wing tips, there is a clear white wing patches, very eye-catching. White feathers, but close to the end portion of the belt-like black spots. Legs stained gray-green and brown, almost black claws. The female and male plumage similar, but smaller helmet suddenly. Students have long thick lashes on the eye. Iris magenta, black nozzle group, and the mouth end projecting top helmet orange-red, orange mouth side, the mouth milky white or ivory. Tarsus gray-green stained brown, nearly black claws.

Size measurements: 1190-1280 mm length; culmen 330-375 mm; wing 500-552 mm; tail 380-432 mm; tarsus 73-75 mm.


great hornbill resident birds, the main habitat in the altitude of 1500 meters below the low mountains and evergreen broadleaf forest at the foot of the plains, especially like the fast-flowing streams in the forest near valley areas.



During the breeding often separate activities, like flocks of non-breeding activities on the tall banyan tree. Every fruit ripening season, hornbill in a group of mostly fixed feeding sites, food and ate it until replaced with a new feeding sites. They often fly in groups, one after the other in single file around forward. When flying fast enough, the attitude is also very strange, head, neck stretched very straight, flat wings, after agitation for a few times up and down, then gliding forward, then agitation wings a few, so repeatedly, as the oars in general. Because of the lower wing coverts failed to mask the base of the flight feathers, so when the flight will be making much noise between flight feathers. When it beeps, neck vertically upward, toward the sky mouth, issued abrasive, loud sounds. At sunset, they flew into dense foliage obscured the top of the tree overnight.



great hornbill food intake, diet is also very complex, mainly in tropical fruits and seeds of various plants for food, also eat large insects, reptiles , rodents and other animal foods. General foraging in the trees, sometimes on the ground. Hornbill mouth looks very bulky, in fact, it is both a tool and weapon use but very smart, can ease picking berries, easily crack a nut, but also handy to capture rodents and insects.

The main variety of berries to eat, but also eat snakes, lizards, large insects, rodents and cereals. Breeding habits like Pied Hornbill. And feeding the original crown layer forest habitats.


Origin: Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, the Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam.

introduction: Singapore. Traveling birds: Bangladesh.

China is only found in southern Yunnan Xishuangbanna.


The annual March to June is a great hornbill breeding season, nest in natural cavities are mostly selected on the tall trees in the forest of linden and so on, from its processing and finishing. This tree holes are big and wide, too high off the ground. Each nest eggs typically two, one or a small number of three. Just when the egg output of pure white, later turned light yellow skin or brown skin. Eggs oval, a size of 60-72 mm × 42-50 mm. The female bear incubation, incubation period is about 31 days for the chicks As of late. The female during incubation with their leftover food scraps and faeces mixed accumulation in the hole, the hole closed out, while males are outside the mouth with it the title of mud, mixed fruit, seeds and wood chips to the hole closed , leaving only a small hole can extend the mouth end of the female. The female in the cave incubation, brooding, safe, and comfortable, not afraid of wind and sun, but also help protect the chicks from snakes, monkeys and birds of prey and other threats and abuse. And female chicks during defecation, the anal hole aligned directly ejected, the female will not cave mouth contaminant removal out of the hole to keep the hole clean from time to time. Jenny also be carried out after a thorough hatched chicks moult, when almost no ability to fly, and then molt, they put the hole closures pecking broken, and growth of a fledgling off it. The entire incubation, brooding during the food, all supplied by the male. In order to make hen and chicks can get plenty of food, the male must again and again flew out foraging. At this time, also their male sand layer of the stomach wall film off, and discharged from the body, a thin capsule form, it using this temporary storage leptosporangiate procure berries, nuts and other food, back to the nest. If the female is not out of the mouth to greet him, the male will beat the trunk gently through your mouth, notice the female feeding. Therefore, the end of the breeding season, when female and chicks have grown very fat, and the male was too tired to exhausted, very thin. The female body get dirty in the hole, but the hole must be replaced before the feather, so if you come out early, it is almost no ability to fly.


great hornbill (2 subspecies)
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Chinese name Two-angle hornbill


name and year


great hornbill subspecies

Buceros bicornis bicornis

Linnaeus, 1758


India and Asia great hornbill species

Buceros bicornis cavatus

Bocage, 1881

conservation status

protection level

great hornbill has been incorporated into the UNESCO Red Book vulnerable species list.

included in the "Chinese national key protected wild animal list" level.


Although the population of a wide range of species distribution, but the low density it occurs, is the massive distribution. A small to moderate amount, and is likely to continue to decline rapidly within its distribution range, and therefore is classified as near threatened. The number of rare in China, has been included in the national key protected wild animal list.

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