social practice


theory with practice is the party's fine tradition and style of education with productive labor and social practice is an important part of the party's education policy, the combination of theoretical education and practical education It is the fundamental principle of ideological and political education of college students. Students participate in social practice, understand society, understanding of our country, increase their abilities, contributing to society, exercise perseverance, character training, knowledge for a better understanding of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of "three represents", to deepen the party's line, principles and policies, firm under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, the socialist road with Chinese characteristics and common ideals and beliefs of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and enhance the sense of historical mission and social responsibility, it has an irreplaceable role in cultivating socialism with Chinese characteristics qualified builders and successors of great importance. At the same time strengthening their independence also has a very large significance.

Northwestern University, deputy secretary Liu Bo, the school in 2019 on the line built by the reunion of the second class information management system, "second class information management systems to 'make the data more than running, students little foot 'as the goal, the students from the project application, set up the team, online training, online assessment, project publicity, practice, summed appraised in all other aspects of online operation, and through the knot, get audit department Youth League and the Communist Youth League school assessment; not only provide convenience for students' practice, but also for social work practice schools statistics, management, training and supervision to provide a convenient "


" deepen. evaluation of a new era of education reform overall program, "since the issuance of the community were given a positive response," program "in the evaluation system for the education clearly strengthen personnel training center status played down the number of indexed papers, citations rate, the number of awards and other indicators, strengthen for students to participate in social practice, graduates development, multi-faceted evaluation of employer satisfaction. Strengthen labor education of students, reinforce the process of evaluation, will participate in the work course of study and practice of education in the overall quality of students into the archives.

universities in the process of educating people how to practice the students were physically labor process evaluation, how to strengthen the sense of community college students in practice, has become a critical evaluation of student training. Social Practice Function reunion implemented in the ballad off the digital platform for professional growth emerged.

social function in practice Ou off digital professional growth platform for the college students' social practice to provide "cloud" service management, the ability to be able to assess the quality of growth in social practice students obtained. Also help schools achieve the whole process of supervision, ensure social practice students throughout the project known controllable. Ou passenger university proposed standardization of social practice management system to enhance management effectiveness.

specification project approval: build step by step online approval mechanism to realize the participants, the content of practice, practice forms, online approval and management of security staff, management, teachers focus on grasping the ideological and political security risks .

linkage Ideological and Political Practice: improving the organic convergence of the first class and the second class, students enrich forward training system, School of Marxism, teachers guide students to actively participate in social practice, social practice students line up introductory course.

process of establishing supervisory mechanisms: construction concern, response, answer students' ideological confusion and concern reality, guide students to correct understanding of the phenomenon of social supervision mechanism, guide professional teachers settled online platform, online quiz, timely answers students puzzled social problems.

promote the combination of education with labor: Ou off platform collaborative industry backbone enterprises, high-tech enterprises, small and medium micro enterprises to provide student production practice, professional services, entrepreneurial resource base of entrepreneurial activity, students practice vocational students moral and correct view of employment and entrepreneurship career.

to demonstrate the practice of educational achievement: Through comprehensive analysis of social practice data, real-time understanding all the students the ability to growth; precipitation over the years the practice of reporting on results, strengthening the social practice achievements; bringing together the whole process of interactive data, generate the ability to develop students' individual portrait.

July 2020 --13 200 multi-branch team practice in September, a total of 168 colleges and universities, more than 65,000 students through reunion "cloud" practical platform for the successful completion of this year's summer social practice, youth the memory of flying practice throughout 31 provinces 2131 counties.

working principles

(1) adhere to the people-centered education, firmly establish the practice of educating people thought, to raise the ideological and political quality of college students as a top priority.

(2) to integrate theory with practice, improving the effectiveness of targeted social practice and attractive appeal.

(3) adhere to the combination of curricular and extracurricular, combining centralization and decentralization, to ensure that every college student to participate in social practice, to ensure that the whole process of ideological and political education throughout the social practice.

(4) adhere to education, their abilities, to contribute, to ensure long-term healthy development of students' social practice.

(5) adhere to the integration of resources, mobilize the enthusiasm of the school, the efforts of the whole society to support students' social practice good situation.

Of course focuses on activities in order to survive and then to transform the world of development, in which material production activities is essential. But the impact of the practice of class struggle class society give people especially profound. A variety of exchanges and contacts in the relationship between society where people no class will give people a more profound impact. Along with social progress, material production activities in the advanced stage of the process to enter, and differentiate the activities of scientific experiments. Three form a new and unified and contradictory opposites pairwise relations, and promote the development of human society. All these activities are all human beings participate in all or most of the sum is the social practice of such activities. Social practice is the man discovered the truth, the use of truth, and truth verification, development of basic truths, but the discovery of new truths can not just only social practice, must also engage with dialectical thinking on this basis.

Report Writing


In general, social practice report writing mainly through the following five programs:.

1 to determine the theme

theme is the soul of social practice report, it is of decisive importance for the success of social practice report writing. Therefore, identification of themes to note:


report should be consistent with the practice of the theme;

according to the results of the survey and analysis, re-determine the theme;

Theme should be small and should concentrate; coordinated with the title, avoid text does not match the title.

2. Choice material

complete "survey" of the system through statistical analysis and theoretical analysis of the resulting, still need to carefully selected organizations in the investigation report, can not be You do not have to write a report, pay attention to choose. How to choose the materials it? ① selection and theme-related materials, remove irrelevant, little relationship, secondary, nonessential material, the themes focused, clear, prominent; ② combination of attention and material point of the surface, the material only to support a report opinions, and to support each other, formed on the surface of the "atmosphere";

in the conventional material useful to compare identification, selection of materials, the best choice of materials to support the opinion , so that each material Yiyidangshi.

3. Layout and the preparation of an outline

This is a key concept in the practice report. Layout refers to the practice of reporting forms, which is reflected in the article "skeleton" in the outline. Outline of the development process is to actually practice further classified material, the framework process. Architecture principle is: "around the theme, layers of advancing, linked together." Features outline or skeleton is its inherent logic, requirements must outline clear, structured.


practice report, there are two, one is the outline view type, view upcoming investigators formed under investigation by the logic column write out one by one. Another type is the entry outline, chapter on push-level Expression, festival, head, one by one to an article written outline. Or two outline these can be combined to make an outline.

4. Drafting a social practice report

This is the language of social practice report writing stage. It has been determined according to the theme, selected materials and writing an outline, methodically wording. The writing process, the choice of language from the actual needs, the flexibility to divide paragraphs.

When drafting should pay attention: ① reasonable structure (title, blurb, body, ending, inscribed); ② report writing specifications, aesthetic and Readability, such as: "formulate preferential policies to introduce urgently needed talent "," use of the mechanism of competition, make an inventory of existing talent "(paragraph article entry point of view); ③ read and easy to understand. Note the use of digital, graphics, professional terminology, so that in layman's language, expressive language, accurate, clear, vivid, simple.

5. Modify social practice report

After a good social practice report was drafted, should seriously modified. The main theme of the report is, material, structure, language and punctuation checking, to be add, delete, change, transfer. After completing these tasks, or to submit the final version published upwards.

social practice

Content Requirements

A full report should practice the following parts:.


1 Title

title should be brief, clear text written by the title of the content of practice, summed up the characteristics. Topic of words should be appropriate, generally not more than 20 words. If some details must be put in the title, in order to avoid lengthy, you can set the subtitle, the details on the subtitle in.

2. School and author name

School name and author's name should be indicated under the title, name of college application full name.

3. Abstract (English summary of the former Chinese, English after)

report to be equipped abstract, abstract should reflect the main content of the report, the basic point of view obtained in practice, outline the practices, acquired results and conclusions. Abstracts are appropriate to, Chinese Abstract generally preferably about 200 words, English abstract content words generally have at least 100. Summary comprising:

a) "summary" words;

b) Summary of the body;

c) keywords;

d) CLC.


text is the core of the practice report, a detailed statement of practical activities. This section discusses the author to be the main facts and opinions, including the introduction of practice purpose, background, time, location, staff, composed of investigative techniques, as well as a detailed description of the practical activities of the conclusion.

To be able to reflect the ideological line of emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, advance with the times, there are new ideas, new ideas; integrate theory with practice, there is guidance and reference for the actual work, we can put forward constructive observations and recommendations; contents of the report points clear, focused, well-structured, clear, smooth writing, refining. Control word typically less than 5,000 words.


Conclusion contains the entire practice to summarize and harvesting and comprehensive insights obtained, it may also include problems found during practice, and propose appropriate solutions.


Acknowledgments are usually short text to give direct help in the actual process and report writing process instructor, answering teachers and other staff thanks.


References practice report an integral part, it reflects drawn sources, broad extent and reliability of the material of the material practice report, but also the author of the knowledge of others the results of recognition and respect

Appendix Appendix

for some should not be placed in the body, but content with a reference value can be programmed into practice report.

Text Formatting

1, font: Arial

2, font size

(1) Title: II, bold

(2) OF: small IV

(3) a title: III, bold

subheadings: fourth, bold

three title: small fourth, bold

(4) body: small IV

3, spacing: 1.5 spaced

page requires

First, the paper page design requirements

1, header

says "practice papers XXX XXX summer Social Institute of the University of xxxx" font Times New Roman small V. The

2, Margins

: the 2.5 cm: 2.5 cm Left: 3 cm Right: 2 cm Gutter: 0 cm

3, line spacing : 22 lbs

4, page

is the bottom of the page position, alignment is outside.

5, paper size: A4, Portrait.

Second, the paper cover requirements

You must use the cover of the Communist Youth League school uniform regulations cover.

Third, the printed manuscript requirements

Please practice papers shall be printed on A4 paper.

Fourth, the binding requirements

Binding of each paper material in accordance with the text of the paper cover ---- ---- order binding feedback form, if practice information such as pictures, feedback Please attach the front table. Gutter all on the left.

general requirements

Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of "Three Represents" as guidance, earnestly implement people-oriented, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable scientific development concept, fully implement the Party's education policy, follow the law of growth and education of law students to learn about community, social services as the main content to a variety of activities for the carrier to a stable practice base as the basis to establish a long-term mechanism to protect, guide students out of school, grassroots, the masses, in-depth practical to carry out teaching practice, professional training, military training, social research, production and labor, voluntary service, charity, and work-study and other scientific and technological inventions, education in practice, their abilities, contribute, establish a correct outlook on life and values, and strive to grow into qualified builders and reliable successors of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

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