
synonym ancient bikov (Russian place name) Generally refers to Samara

Administrative Region

The number of administrative units in the state is 25 districts, 11 states, 12 districts City, 23 towns, 278 administrative farms. The administrative center in Samara is the city of Samara. The city was built in 1586 (from 1936 to 1991, it is known as ancient Bikov city), from Moscow city to Samara, 1098 km. Other cities in state are Japan, Kirney, Nikhi, Petroleum, Native Bumi Snowsk, October Town, Outradin, Pochworthneo, Tariarti City, Sezer City, Chapyvsk City.

National population

In the national composition of the residents of Samara, the Russian family accounted for 83.4%, Chuvash and Moldova accounted for 3.6%, It accounts for 3.5%, and the Ukraine accounts for 2.5%, and the Belarus accounts for 0.5%, and the Kazan family accounts for 0.4%. The Jews account for 0.2%, and the Bashkil is 0.2%, and other nations account for 1.4%.


In the four districts adjacent to the Republic of Tatars, that is, Isarinsk District, Bochvsk District, Cleevinsk District, Sheidinsk District, Morducent, Chuval and Titan population exceed the number of Russian population. And in these areas, in addition to the Pochweskzk District, the Russian family is less than half.

Economic Department

Total "The

is a member of the Volga River Basin Economic Zone.


Samala foundation industry is an automobile machinery manufacturing industry and metal processing industry (manufacturing small car, machine tool, aircraft, agricultural machinery, electronic products, bearings and oil Industrial, chemical, light industry, food industry dedicated instrumentation). In the state of Volga-Ural Oil, oil and gas area for oil and gas, in this way, the oil and gas industry, petrochemical industry and chemical industry (production and processing synthesis alcohol, phenol, acetone, etc.). Building materials (cement, asbestos cement tube, asbestos cement board) are also produced. There are also food processing industries (flour plus industry, meat processing industry) and light industrial industry. The Volga Hydropower Station named Lenin is still running.

The main industrial center in Samara has Samara, Tariarti City, New ancient Bumi Snow City and Sezer City.

The automotive industry is the dominant area of ​​the overall specialization of the Samara machine manufacturing. Machine tool manufacturing, bearing industry, petroleum mining industry, oil and process industries are developing.


The agricultural economy in Samara is moving towards the professionalization of food and animal husbandry. Compared with food production, economic crops play an important role in crop cultivation. The specialization of flesh and use is a distinctive feature of the development of animal husbandry. The raised sheep industry develops in the direction of semi-thin hair and meat. The beekeeper is rising.

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