Basic introduction
Greek has no words corresponding to "human nature", but there is a name that we call different ingredients. First, there is a name "soul", which means "the breath of life", it leaves as a person's death, it is also the basic principle that is distinguished by organic and inorganic. Second is "thymus", which means that the motivation element constituting organisms and emotions, specifically referred to by motivation. Once again, "rationality", means that the psychological organ of the truth is clear.
1, naturalism. In ancient Greece, the earliest explanation of psychological phenomena is Thales. One of his central attigations is the nature of reality. In Tayles, although the world consists of many different substances (trees, stone, air, dust, etc.), but in reality, only one element - water is the source of all things. Everything starts in water and is returned to water. Water is the basic element of all things, called "starting group", so those who follow Taylor's exploration elements are called "physicists."
Tyles' tradition inherited by his student Milu's Anevium Mande, the latter accepted the concept of "starting", but criticized water is a hypothesis. Anakes Mande proposed such a question: a common element can transform into other elements. Instead, he proposed an element that is not an element that can be recognized, but has a number of forms and difficult to define. He said his "start base" is "unlimited". In addition, Anna Kezandhole has also been keenly observed in evolutionary problems. He is said that since human baby is relatively weak and requires a long period of being ranging, the original state of human beings must have its own unique. However, with the independence of individuals, people will gradually become strong. To this end, he also supports his evolutionary views with unknown fossils. This is one of the rare examples of Greek philosophers for experience to support one of the views. Directly affects later philosophers, especially affecting Plato, is Samos's Pythagora. His reproduction is in "Pydalas theorem". However, for Pythagoras, mathematics is not just a science, but also a key to the door of the universe, because every thing in the universe can be learned through mathematics. Pythagora is still obviously distinguishing between the soul and the body: the soul can not only exist without the body, but the body is prison of the corruption of the soul. Therefore, human responsibility is to purify the body.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that Clairton's Alkmann. In a sense, he is the first psychologist who has been recognized and has an impact on the later psychological founders. Alkmann has been trained in medical training, implemented some early anatomy, in order to explore human perceptions. He dissected his eyes and found that the viewing nerve leads to the brain, so it is presented in the brain. Alkmann's focusing on the foundation of philosophical center of science branch, because he tried to answer the scientific methods of philosophy by borrowing scientific methods from the physiology. W. Fengter, W. James and S. Freud, etc., have been inspired by different degrees.
2, empirical. In the process of philosophical formation and philosophy, Enpere has advocated empiricalism. Enpere is a physician and a philosopher. The psychological point of view is mainly to develop a sense of perception, namely our senses to confirm the reliability of our common sense. In his view, the object exudes an injection, which is a unique copy of its own sensation. For example, our nose is reacted for a particular molecule emitted by some things. All kinds of perceptions are the case, and these injections enters the blood, meet with the heart, with the heartbeat, stirring the injection, that is thinking. Although today, this view is very ridiculous, but it is an important progress for naturalism, as it provides psychological activities to psychological activities, not only attributes psychological activities in the soul.
Enpellov's view, it is an empirical view of its characteristics. He claims that we can understand the reality by observing the reality, especially through a copy of the object.
Philosophy traditionally included the research of morphology, expertise, and ethics. These disciplines tried to answer questions about how the world originated, how knowledge was obtained, and good and evil. Basically, the basic method of philosophy is to use rationality to argue with these issues. However, the actual scope of philosophy is not a certain answer yet, "What is philosophy?" Is full of differences and double controversy in philosophical traditions.
Psychology (Psychology) is a scientific for researchers and animal psychological activities and behavioral performance. The word psychology comes from Greek, meaning about the science of the soul.
The relationship between philosophy and psychology
Everyone will think of a disease, split, although the psychology has a creature The foundation of learning and medicine, however, it also takes relieves in philosophy.
The relationship between psychology and philosophy, has always had different views in our psychology community. Due to human psychology, consciousness and its world-view, life-view, values have irresponsible contacts, and psychologists are engaged in research must be conscious or unconsciously affected by philosophy. In essence, it is the integration of dialectical materialism and psychology research.
From the view of the study, the object of psychology research is human. People are the subject of understanding and transforming the world. Psychology is a scientific scientific scientific in the formation and development of people's understanding, feelings, will and individual characteristics in social practice activities.
Marxism believes that people are the products of social history development, they are conscious, and they can think about the existence. From the links between people and nature, people are an integral part of nature and is natural existed. From the links between people and society, people are the concrete manners of social relationships, and is the social existence. People's natural nature and social essence are dialectical unity. Therefore, "people's essence is not an abstraction inherent, in its reality, it is the sum of all social relations." The nature of people stipulates its psychology. The essence of consciousness.
People's psychology, aware of their physiological basis, is the product of the human brain; in terms of their social roots, it is the first to form and develop under the influence of labor and social communication. of. In summary, people's psychology, awareness is the reflection of the human brain on the objective world, which relies on people's natural existence and relying on people's society. In the process of human psychology, the activities of the awareness, natural factors and social factors are in the form of dialectical unity, sports and development, but social factors are primarily, and it is determined.
Psychology is a comprehensive marginal discipline formed by philosophy, natural science, and social science. From the development process, it is very old, has a history of thousands of years. From the era of philosophy, the basic problem of psychology becomes the attention of philosophy, the content studied. However, psychology is a very young science, because only from the second half of the 19th century, it has become an independent discipline from philosophy, but it has been more than 100 years. Psychology is an indiscriminated relationship with the basic issues, the basic issues of philosophic research, the basic issues of philosophic research, which are inseparable, and thus form a very close relationship with philosophy. Lenin has stipulated that psychology is "the field of knowledge that should constitute an epistemology and dialectics". It can be seen that psychology has differentiated independent disciplines from the philosophical parent, does not mean that psychology and philosophy are cut each other. opposition. From the status and role in the entire scientific system, psychology is a particularly basic science. It has the characteristics of natural science and social science, with agency that contacts natural sciences and social sciences, but from the whole In the saying, it is more important than social science.
In psychology research, there is also a psychological branch of natural sciences and the psychology branch focused on humanities and social psychology. The two are like bird's bidding, two rounds of cars, throughout It has the same importance in a psychological system. With the development of society, the status and role of psychology are more important. Objective Reality requires psychology to more emphasis on people's comprehensive development, pay more attention to people's own and non-technical factors. Guided by Marxism, from the actual needs of the comprehensive construction of a well-off society, establish a psychological theory system of Chinese characteristics, better serve Chinese characteristics, this is the common task of our vast psychologists.
Periodic concept
The definition of ancient times is "psychology is the study of the soul".
The definition of modern times is "psychology is the study of the study of the soul".
At the beginning of the birth of scientific psychology, it was defined to "psychology is a science of research awareness."
However, in the early 1920s to the 1960s, the concept of philosophical psychology was denied, and the behavioralism was emphasized when the study of psychology
was unable to study the inner consciousness. The change process is limited to the lack of related research tools, and cannot study the internal changes of human body
without harming the human body. Therefore, the problem of consciousness is, until the second day of the twentieth century. , The relevant tools have been invented and widely used in medical examples of medical
, and the research plan of the mental study in the psychology research has been put forward and leads to the prosperity, consciousness of cognitive. Study
is again attached.
Therefore, the definition of philosophical psychology is now adopted "Psychology is the science of studying human nature".
Four controversy
1, the main theory of mind-body problem has a moonism, including materialism and idealism (Idealism) . Another theory is dualism, including psychophysicalinteractionism and psychophysical paralism
2, the focus of Nature-Nurture Controversy debates in addition to innate Whoever after the day is important, including human nature, human nausea.
3, the free will versus determinism is mainly to explore the issue of determining and free will. The decisions include the material determinism, Environmental Determinism and the spiritual decisions (Indeterminism), and its important representative theory is the free will.
4, the problem of knowledge sources (ORIGINS OF KNOWLEDGE) It is mainly to explore how human beings get knowledge, and the main school is rational and empirical.