Persian king


anonymous Persian, Sanskrit name Prasenajit, Bally name Pasenadi. Also for bowl rhinoceros logic that relies on more than Wang, Yu Bo La wash snapped the King. Paraphrase Wang Shengjun, wins the light king, and the king of Yue, Wang moonlight, Mingguang king. Salo arrogant king in India country (Vatican Kaus / ala), about the same time with the Buddha. Live Savatthi (Sanskrit S / ra ^ vasti ^), the outer sheath by a large group of Buddha teachings, there Benares State and collar (Van Ka ^ s / i), and in parallel with the large power Magadha . Bosiniwang study tour was beginning to Dan fork logic country. According Ekottara Agama Volume II sixteen carrier, Tathagata enlightenment is not a long time, Bosiniwang ascended the throne, wants to marry the daughter of release species, Shakya was considered Bosiniwang maidservant, humble origin, and their marriages do not deserve, but afraid to offend him, so the Shakya clan of Mahanama (Vatican Maha ^ na ^ ma) is the wife of the selected female servant, the first Lady Wang Li, a son border flows name Le (Vatican Vid! u ^ d! abha ). Bosiniwang original nature rude, I do not believe in Buddhism, misbehave, the wife of persuasion, to accept and take refuge in the Buddha enlightenment, as the outer casing of the Mission. Devout Buddhist, Ms. Zeng Yuqi Mo Lijia (Vatican Mallika ^, that is the end of Liv people) Q, was 'everyone loved his' conclusion, the later, to ask the Buddha, its dialogue so far known to the world. Legend has it Bosiniwang percent (one that is sister) Wei Tixi married woman with frequency Saros king, and as a dowry to Benares State, and later because of two sons born in the country and Edu Shi things into the sky dispute . Bosiniwang Shi Ting eighty; Ekottara Agama Volume sixteen that the king was alive with life, Ming Zhong, Le border flow is king. However, there is the Ministry of Vinaya chores volume eight, Qian Chuan and other written Tibetan Buddhism different from this, because that Nai Le Prince border flow usurper, starved to death in exile on the way. Border flow of Le ascended the throne, King of the glass.

According to legend, the Buddha Bosiniwang Prince born the same day, "the Agama" Volume nineteen says "I (Bosiniwang) eighty, the Buddha also eighty." Buddha's life is generally believed that the world eighty and adjoining glass is the king when Buddha was alive, but also infer Bosiniwang World Life eighty. '

and Buddha become attached

Due Di multi Bosiniwang Prince, will be sold in the capital Sravasti wooded gardens lonely elderly, the elderly should be up there in the monastery building offerings Buddha, it makes Bosiniwang for Buddha's Weed was very curious, led by the ministers visited lived in Gion Abode of Buddha.

Bosiniwang came to a temple, it is the attitude of the monarch of a country, arrogantly asked: "I heard that you are a great consciousness of the Buddha, which is wrong, but I very puzzled, many practitioners decades long stay in the jungle mountains, until the aging of the year is still unable to consciousness, why so young and you have to be able to license it enlightenment? "

Buddha peaceful and firmly replied: "most people have contempt for the young king, this is a very good sign that there are four things the world should not be underestimated:!. First, a young prince; Second, is born dragons; III. a spark; four young monks although young prince, the future is also the monarch of a country;. dragons, though small, grow up to be blowing hot and cold; a single spark can start a prairie fire as long as the mind can clean the monks, guard Road. industry, have great ambition and the spirit of saving sentient beings, without distinction of young and old, can get permits as Ching supreme being. prior to the truth and awakened, or contempt, or bad mouth, will incur a felony, we must be deeply contrite, to Chan Chu Zuizhang. "

Bosiniwang been no violent evil letter, do whatever they want, never mind someone dared him straight admonition. At the moment, his heart was greatly shocked. Buddha silent for a moment, to Bosiniwang said:.. "Is king, to be loving the people as child, generous treat people, their happiness was not to be built on the suffering of others to the weak and poor, to comfort people as a trouble Jun country, can not listen to the words of flattery. to seek happiness for the people, rather than people have come to serve the king. "

Buddha's French, like the sun stupid like get rid of Bosiniwang dark heart, since then, the Buddha Bosiniwang respectful students from the pure faith.

for the Buddhas save

Bosiniwang been caused by the line eating, walking inconvenience and frustration for the hard fat body.

Bosiniwang in distress over, ordered guards prepare the car and went to Meet the Buddha. Clumsy bloated body, relying on the support of the guards, after finally to the Buddha for the ceremony, asked:! "Buddha ah I recently poor health, although would like to see you, we can not make the trip now to see your good health, I am. . Past glad I do not know what is my sin industry, will be so fat, I ask what method to use, in order from such distress it "

the Buddha saw the king distressed look, and he said?: ! "king ah obese people have five reasons: First, eat too much; Second, a snooze; Third, is indulge in enjoyment; Fourth, it is not labor center; five is not working on five grounds. for fat bloated body will lose weight, diet should be to work hard, naturally return to normal health "so Buddha a poem verse:..

when people from Jinian, know every food festival amount,

Persian king

is the subject of various thin, Anxiao and life protection.

The king listened to verses, unlimited joy, told Mikuriya, later in his eating, he had to sing again Ji Wen standing next to reminded. Sure enough, Mikuriya before each meal to eat, must chanting Ci Ji Wen reminded the king, so the king's appetite gradually reduced, the body also will lightness.

One day, Bosiniwang grandmother died, the king lost grandmother apart, can not wait any treasure, like horse-drawn carriage ride, slaves, servants, land and city, and even their lives, in exchange for grandmother's life. He already has the sad, suddenly remembered the Buddha said, "give birth without death, would want to be together from the" if, then, scooters drove to Meet the Buddha. In the eyes of serene Buddha, Bosiniwang photo collection aching heart, listen to chanting: "The king was not to Chouyou, everything animate, are attributed to death, but who does not alter the fact that our physical body there!. four things can not resist: First, the body is aging; Second, is suffering diseases; Third, death is coming; Fourth, are the vagaries of life passed away, to those who can chase the king should use limited. life, and for their own dead plant Fu Jide, wide to do good. "

Bosiniwang heard after the Buddha's teachings, remove all sorrow, joy away for the ceremony.

late Toshio who exhorted

Once a heretics Fanzhi's only son died, and his memorial day and night, unkempt, ragged clothes, sleeping in between the graves, crying incessantly. After Buddha, very sad pity, for he said: "Today's Chouyou distress, chosen by loving born."

Fanzhi listened, suddenly Dawu, telling everyone: "loving the Council Kaike Chouyou distress "

this sentence passed Zhanzhuan ear Bosiniwang, the king was very puzzled, asked devout Buddhist people of the late Cliff:

". Most people the Council Kaike know the joy of loving, loving what Buddha said the Council alone Kaike Chouyou distress? "

" king! You happy to see me? "asked the late Cliff gently.

"!. Lady I saw you feel carefree joy, hope you life after life with me"

convergence of the late Toshio people smile, Chouyou asked: "If one day, I must leave you, never to meet again, you'll be sad you?" Bosiniwang am speechless.

late Toshio who went on to say: "A life, a lot of trouble comes from not loving Sheli, home to worry about at home, there are financial worries wealth, not consciously know which fool at the Buddha said life is short. the world of impermanence, non-animate dead, would want to be together away from the accumulation of all the pins scattered, sublime will fall. So, eager for anything in the world, will lead to bitter. "Bosiniwang heard, if the Wu, fell silent. language.

convert Buddha

In the Dharma long nurtured, Bosiniwang getting some sort of understanding. On one occasion, the Buddha brought to Bosiniwang of Sravasti rich elderly Mahanama passed away, leaving behind a fortune, because there was no Zaixi, the property had to be attributed to the state treasury. Mahanama elderly during his lifetime is very frugal harsh, though rich, but ugly food shabby clothes, can not bear giving poor, dependent Sangha. Wang can not help but sigh: "people on the world can not afford to get Shengmiao Cheoy Lee craving, can not indulge in heedlessness, it is extremely rare!"

The Buddha then said a poem verse :

greed to win money, is fascinated by greed,

Sri Lanka edge heedlessness so, when great bitterness newspaper.

Hui who win money, energy from the music is good enough,

giver for merit, raw day by Fuller.

Bosiniwang heard this verse poem, heart rejoice. Inculcate in the Buddha, gradually rectify behavior, not only a wise monarch, law enforcement has become a loyal disciple of the Buddha.


Buddha in homes before and after the Great Patriotic lived for twenty five years, many declared holy book is here to say, for example: "Agama" "Xianjie by", "Maitreya swells by", "Maitreya on students through", "Maharatnakuta", "Amitabha Sutra", "Monju Wisdom Sutra", "King Kong" and so on, we can see the Buddha for the Honghua attention, and Bosiniwang apologetics merit, but also far-reaching effects.

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