Measurement and control circuit

Books published by Machinery Industry Press in 2008

Basic information:

Book title: Measurement and Control Circuit

Author: Zhang Guoxiong

Publisher: Machinery Industry Press

Publishing time: March 2008

ISBN: 9787111082477

Format: 16 open

Price: 32.00 yuan

Author's profile:

Zhang Guoxiong, graduated in 1959 from Moscow Machine Tools, the Soviet Union The college was awarded the honorary doctorate title of Moscow State Technical University in 1996. He is currently a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Precision Instruments and Optoelectronic Engineering of Tianjin University.

Book catalog:


Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 2 Signal Amplification Circuit< /p>

Chapter 3 Signal Modulation and Demodulation Circuit

Chapter 4 Signal Separation Circuit

Chapter 5 Signal Operation Circuit

Chapter 6 Signal Conversion Circuit

Chapter 7 Signal Subdivision and Direction Identification Circuit

Chapter 8 Electricity Measurement Circuit

Chapter 9 Continuous Signal Control Circuit

Chapter 10 Logic Digital Control Circuit

Chapter 11 Analysis of Typical Measurement and Control Circuit



Books published in 2010

Basic information

Measurement and Control Circuit 3rd Edition

Book number:




7-111-08247- 8


Zhang Guoxiong, Tianjin University and other editor-in-chief< /p>

Number of impressions:


Responsible editor:

Gong Keqin



Word count:

473 thousand characters



Belonging to the series:

"Tenth Five-Year Plan" National Planning Textbook for General Higher Education


< p>Ping

Publication date:




This book is a national planning textbook for the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" of general higher education, mainly for undergraduates majoring in "Measurement and Control Technology and Instrumentation" The textbook can also be used as a reference for engineering technology and researchers in related fields and graduate students in adjacent majors. Compared with the second edition, it pays more attention to the explanation of common content and broadens the scope of application.

This book mainly introduces the various functional blocks and overall connections of measurement and control circuits commonly used in industrial production and scientific research, so that readers are familiar with how to use electronic technology to solve tasks in measurement and control. Build a bridge with the measurement and control room, and rationally carry out the overall circuit design and the selection of functional blocks.

The content includes the function of the measurement and control circuit and its main requirements, type, composition and development trend; low-drift, high-performance measurement amplifier, isolation and controllable Separate and improve the signal-to-noise ratio of various amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, phase modulation, pulse width modulation and demodulation circuits, as well as various RC active filter circuits, integrated filters, and tracking filters; in order to complete complex measurement and control Algebra, calculus (including PID), characteristic value calculation circuits used for tasks, as well as sample-and-hold, voltage and current, frequency conversion circuits and analog-to-digital conversion circuits; subdivision and direction identification circuits commonly used in incremental digital measurement; Electric quantity test circuits for frequency, phase, pulse parameters, etc.; pulse width control and variable frequency control circuits for continuous signals used in digital and analog systems, binary and programmable logic control circuits, and digital control circuits; and pass several typical measurement and control The analysis of the system allows readers to have a further understanding of the overall measurement and control system and the role of the measurement and control circuit in it. The book analyzes the circuit around the main requirements of accuracy, flexibility, fast response, and reliability.

Chapter list:



Chapter 1 Introduction 1

1-1 Measurement and Control Circuit Function 1

1-2 Main requirements for measurement and control circuit 2

1-2-1 high precision 2

1-2-2 is suitable Input and output impedance 3

1-2-3 good dynamic performance 4

1-2-4 high recognition and resolution ability 4

1-2 -5 Flexible conversion 4

1-2-6 high reliability 5

1-2-7 good economy 5

1-3 measurement and control circuit Input signal and output signal 5

1-3-1 analog signal 5

1-3-2 digital signal 7

1-4 type of measurement and control circuit And composition 7

The basic composition of 1-4-1 measuring circuit 8

The basic composition of 1-4-2 control circuit 9

1-5 Measurement and control The development trend of the circuit 10

The nature, content and learning method of the 1-6 course 12

Thinking questions and exercises 12

Chapter 2 Signal amplifier circuit 14

2-1 Error of operational amplifier and its compensation 14

2-1-1 Actual operational amplifier and its characteristics 14

2-1-2 Offset And its compensation 15

2-1-3 conversion rate and maximum undistorted frequency 17

2-1-4 operation amplifier oscillation and phase

compensation 18

2-2 Typical Measurement Amplification Circuit 21

2-2-1 Basic Requirements of Measurement Amplification Circuit

and Type 21

2-2-2 Inverting amplifier circuit 22

2-2-3 Non-inverting amplifier circuit 23

2-2-4 Basic differential amplifier circuit 24

< p>2-2-5 High common mode rejection ratio amplifier circuit 26

2-2-6 Bridge amplifier circuit 29

2-2-7 Low drift amplifier circuit 31< /p>

2-2-8 High input impedance amplifier circuit 35

2-2-9 Charge amplifier circuit 37

2-2-10 Gain adjustment amplifier circuit 39

2-3 isolation amplifier circuit 45

2-3-1 basic principle 45

2-3-2 general isolation amplifier circuit 46

2-3-3 Programmable gain isolation amplifier circuit 49

Basic knowledge of 2-4 noise 50

Types and properties of 2-4-1 noise 50

2-4-2 Methods of dealing with amplifier noise 52

Thinking questions and exercises 54

Chapter 3 Signal Modulation and Demodulation Circuit 55

3-1 Amplitude Modulation Measuring Circuit 55

3-1-1 Amplitude Modulation Principle and Method 55

3-1-2 Envelope Detector Circuit 60

3-1-3 Phase Sensitive Detector Circuit 65

< p>3-2 Frequency Modulation Measuring Circuit 78

3-2-1 Frequency Modulation Principle and Method 78

3-2-2 Frequency Discriminating Circuit 81

3-3 Phase Modulation Measurement Circuit 84

3-3-1 Phase Modulation Principle and Method 84

3-3-2 Phase Detection Circuit 88

3-4 pulse modulation measuring circuit 92

3-4-1 pulse modulation principle and method 92

3-4-2 pulse modulation signal demodulation 93

3-4-3 Pulse Modulation Measurement Circuit Application Example 94

Thinking Questions and Exercises 94

Chapter 4 Signal Separation Circuit 96

4- 1 Filter basic knowledge 96

4-1-1 filter type 97

4-1-2 analog filter transfer function and frequency

Characteristics 98

4-1-3 basic filter 101

Approximation of 4-1-4 filter characteristics 105

4-2RC active filter circuit 109

4-2-1 First-order filter circuit 109

4-2-2 Voltage-controlled voltage source filter circuit 110

4-2-3 Infinite gain multiple feedback circuit 112

4-2-4 double second-order loop circuit 113

4-2-5 active filter design 116

4-3 integrated active filter 119

4-3-1 switched capacitor filter principle 119

4-3-2 integrated active filter chip introduction 121

4-4 Tracking Filter 123

4-4-1 Voltage Controlled Tracking Filter 123

4-4-2 Frequency Conversion Tracking Filter 123

< p>Thinking questions and exercises 124

Contents〖3〗〖1〗Measurement and control circuit Chapter 5 Signal operation circuit 126

5-1 Proportional operation amplifier circuit 126

< p>5-1-1 Inverse proportional amplifier circuit 126

5-1-2 Inverted proportional amplifier circuit 126

5-1-3 Differential proportional amplifier circuit 127

5-2 addition and subtraction circuit 127

5-2-1 in-phase addition circuit 127

5-2-2 inverted addition circuit 128

5-2-3 subtraction circuit 128

5-3 logarithm, exponent and multiplication, division circuit 129

5-3-1 pair Numeral operation circuit 129

5-3-2 exponent operation circuit 131

5-3-3 multiplication operation circuit 132

5-3-4 division operation circuit 133

5-4 differential integral operation circuit 135

5-4-1 common integration circuit 135

5-4-2 Commonly used differential circuit 137

5-4-3PID operation circuit 138

5-5 Commonly used characteristic value operation circuit 141

5-5 -1 Absolute value calculation circuit 141

5-5-2 Peak detection circuit 141

5-5-3 Average value calculation circuit 142

5-6 Functional arithmetic circuit 142

Thinking questions and exercises 144

Chapter 6 Signal Conversion Circuit 146

6-1 Analog Switch 146

6-1-1 analog switch and main parameters 146

6-1-2 enhanced MOSFET switch circuit 146

6-1-3 integrated analog switch 147

6-1-4 analog multiplexer circuit 148

6-2 sample/hold circuit 149

6-2-1 basic principle 149

6-2-2 Monolithic integrated sample and hold circuit 150

6-3 Voltage comparison circuit 153

6-3-1 Level comparison circuit 154

6-3-2 hysteresis comparison circuit 154

6-3-3 window comparison circuit 155

6-4 voltage frequency conversion circuit 156

6 -4-1V/f converter 156

6-4-2f/V converter 161

6-5 Voltage and current conversion circuit 163

6- 5-1I/V converter 163

6-5-2V/I converter 165

6-6 Analog-to-digital conversion circuit 167

6-6 -1D/A converter 167

6-6-2A/D converter 171

Thinking questions and exercises 181

Chapter 7 Signal Subdivision and Direction identification circuit 183

7-1 Direct transmission type subdivision circuit 183

7-1-1 Four fine resolution direction circuit 184

7-1- 2Resistance chain subdivision 186

7-1-3 microcomputer subdivision 189

7-2 balance compensation subdivision 194

7- 2-1 phase tracking subdivision 195

7-2-2 amplitude tracking subdivision 199

7-2-3 pulse width modulation type amplitude tracking subdivision 203


7-2-4 Frequency Tracking Subdivision-Phase Locking Times

Frequency Subdivision 209

Thinking Questions and Exercises 210

Chapter 8 Electricity Measurement Circuit 212

8-1 Frequency Measurement 212

8 -1-1 counter method 212

8-1-2 oscilloscope method 215

8-1-3 low frequency signal frequency and period measurement

216< /p>

8-2 phase measurement 216

8-2-1 direct reading method 217

8-2-2 counter method 218

8-2-3 comparison method 219

8-3 pulse parameter measurement 220

8-3-1 pulse parameter definition 220

8-3- 2 Pulse parameter measurement method 222

Thinking questions and exercises 225

Chapter 9 Continuous signal control circuit 227

9-1 Conductive angle control inverter 227

9-1-1120°conduction angle control inverter 227

9-1-2180°conduction angle control inverter 229

9-2 Pulse width modulation (PWM) control circuit 232

The operation of 9-2-1 pulse width modulation control circuit

Principle 233

9-2-2 typical Pulse width modulation circuit 233

9-2-3PWM power conversion circuit 237

9-2-4 synchronous and asynchronous pulse width modulation

control circuit 242

9-3 frequency conversion control circuit 244

9-3-1 basic principles and classification 244

9-3-2 control methods and characteristics 245< /p>

9-3-3AC-AC inverter 246

9-3-4AC-DC-AC inverter 248

9-3-5 pulse width modulation Type variable frequency control circuit 251

9-4 program-controlled power supply 255

9-4-1 program-controlled phase-controlled power supply 255

9-4-2 program-controlled DC Stable power supply 257

Thinking questions and exercises 258

Chapter 10 Logic and Digital Control Circuit 260

10-1 Binary Logic Control and Drive Circuit 260< /p>

10-1-1 power switch drive circuit 260

10-1-2 relay and solenoid valve drive

circuit 263

10 -2 CNC machine tool control drive circuit 264

10-2-1 Binary control of asynchronous motor

Circuit 264

10-2-2 Servo motor Control circuit 264

10-3 CNC machine tool control instructions and programming seat


10-3-1 CNC machine tool control instructions 277

10-3-2 NC programming coordinate system 279

10-4 Interpolation principle of NC machine tool 279

The basic concept and classification of 10-4-1 interpolation 279

< p>10-4-2 Point-by-point comparison method benchmark pulse interpolation 280

10-4-3 Typical programming of CNC machine tools

Example 283

10 -5 Programmable Logic Device 285

10-5-1 Programmable Array Logic PAL286

10-5-2 General Array Logic GAL289

10-5 -3 Highly integrated programmable logic devices

Introduction 295

Thinking questions and exercises 297

Chapter 11 Analysis of Typical Measurement and Control Circuits 298

< p>11-1 industrial production process regulator 298

11-1-1 level shift circuit 298

11-1-2PD operation circuit 300

11-1-3PI arithmetic circuit 301

11-1-4 regulator transfer function 302

11-1-5 output circuit 303

11- 2 Displacement and speed measurement of CNC machine tools

Control system 304

11-2-1 Basics of CNC vertical milling machine

Constitute 304

< p>11-2-2 CNC vertical milling machine inspection

Device 305

11-2-3 CNC vertical milling machine control

Device 307< /p>

11-2-4 motion measurement and control circuit 308

11-2-5 CNC vertical milling machine running programming

Example 312

< p>Thinking questions and exercises 313

Reference 314

In fact, the measurement and control circuit is a further extension and expansion of analog electronic technology and digital electronic technology, mainly discussing some typical and common circuits . Therefore, it is the foundation to learn analog and digital electronics, and the operational amplifier is a core component of the measurement and control circuit.

Measurement and control circuit, that is, measurement control circuit, an important part of the measurement and control system. The measurement and control system is mainly composed of three parts: sensor, measurement and control circuit and actuator. In the measurement and control system, the measurement and control circuit is the most flexible part. It has the characteristics of easy amplification, easy conversion, easy transmission, and easy adaptation to various use requirements. The performance of the measurement and control system, as well as the entire machine and generation system, depends to a large extent on the measurement and control circuit.

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