Information chemical manufacturing


information chemicals include:

- sensitive material: sheet substrate, a photosensitive film (film), slide film, X-ray film, photosensitive paper (paperboard or textiles), PS plate, printing

brush optical circuit board dry film photoresist;

- magnetic and optical recording materials: a blank tape, magnetic disk, optical disk , turntables;

Information chemical manufacturing

- electronic semiconductor materials: monocrystalline silicon slice, silicon chips, silicon wafer, a single crystal germanium, germanium film, a single crystal of lithium niobate, tantalum

lithium single crystal, a GaAs single crystal doped with gallium arsenide wafer and other chemicals for the electronics industry;

- sensitive emulsion, the liquid crystal material, phosphor, getter, photoresist ;

- for photographic, chemicals copying machine, washing agents and the like;

- fiber optical communication with the auxiliary material.

Development Environment

The "economy and industrial classification code table" (GB / T4754-2002), information on the chemical industry is fine chemical industry, having a specific and strong, functional strong, technology-intensive, high value-added features, is the current national focus on supporting high-tech industry. National Development and Reform Commission undertake macro-management functions, mainly responsible for formulating industrial policies to guide transformation and innovation. Information Industry Association chemicals industry is a self-regulatory system, today there is no specific industry laws, regulations and policies. Industry guidance and service functions undertaken by the professional associations, responsible for industry and market research, member companies of the public service, proposed industrial development proposals and other industry self-management and representatives of member companies to government departments.

chain analysis

Information on Chemicals industry industry is divided into three parts: a photosensitive material, magneto-optical recording materials and electronic chemicals. The photosensitive material (sensitive material) is a general term film, film and paper and other materials used in the photographic; magneto-optical recording material (magnetic recording material) refers to the use of magnetic properties and the magnetic effect of the input (write), the recording, storing and outputting (read) magnetic sound, images, and other digital information; electronic chemicals (electronic Chemicals) for supporting the chemical industry of electronic products, including semiconductors (integrated circuits, discrete devices), a printed circuit board (the PCB), the display devices, batteries and other electronic components, machine components and the production and assembling of various chemical materials, fine chemicals and chemical belonging to the category of new materials.


report the use of long-term information chemical industry market tracking to collect market data, the use of international SCP scientific analysis model synchronization, from the overall height of the industry to structure analysis system . This report analyzes the Chinese chemical information industry definition, the policy environment and economic environment; information on chemicals industry upstream industry; chemical information industry development; information on chemicals competition in the industry; leading information chemicals business conditions; information on chemicals market analysis; information on chemicals industry downstream industry analysis; information on chemicals industry analysis in key areas; at the same time, the rank and file them with the continuity of the market data industry, to grasp market trends and the development of the chemical information industry.

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