Geomagnetic element

Nounted Xinyi

[Geomagnetic Element] GeomagNetic Element represents the physical quantity of the Earth's magnetic field direction and the size. Magnetic (magnetic angles, total magnetic field strength (T) and total components are collectively referred to as generagnetic elements. The generagnetic elements have changed over time.

Common physical quantity

GeomagNetic Elements

describes a certain physical quantity of a certain magnetic field size and direction. There are seven commonly used by generagnetic elements, but it is enough to determine that three independent components of a vector are enough. O For the measuring point, in the right angle coordinate system OX finger geography north, OY refers to geography, OZ vertical down. F is the total strength of the ground magnetic field; the projection of F in the horizontal plane is called horizontal strength or horizontal component; X is the projection of h in the ox shaft, called north direction strength or north to the north part; у is h in the OY axis Projection, called east-to-intensity or east part of the component; Z is a projection of F in the OZ axis, referred to as vertical intensity or vertical component; D is the angle of genital northern, called a magnetic pointer, h The east is polarized; i is the angle of the F and the horizontal plane, called the magnetic angle, and f is poured downward.

There is the following relationship between the unit magnetic elements:

x = hcosd y = hsind z = htgi

H2 = x2 + y2 f2 = H2 + Z2 = X2 + y2 + z2

h = fcosi z = fsini x = fcosdcosi

y = fsindcoosi

So in 7 elements, only 3 It is independent, and the remaining elements can be calculated by them. For example, X, Y, or Z, or Z, or Co-coordinate system of the f, d, i, or column coordinate system of the ball coordinate system can be measured. H, D, I or F, H, D are generally measured in the field, and the magnet table is generally recorded by H, D, Z or X, Y, Z.

unit magnetic element F, h, x, y, and zymnis are commonly used gamma, its symbol is γ, 1 gamma = 10E-9 special [Sla], 1 Nat.

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